Washington Gladden

Washington Gladden Social Justice Park

Park Use Policy

The Washington Gladden Social Justice Park is available for special event use by individuals or groups whose event is consistent with the purpose of the park and the park use guidelines.  Individuals or groups are required to complete an application.  Eligibility for use of the park is determined by the park Administration Committee.  Although the park is open to the public, the park is located on private property, and park use or visitation may be restricted.

Sponsors of proposed special events shall fill out and submit a special event request form to the park’s Administration Committee outlining the plans for the event.  Applications are to be submitted no less than 15 days prior to the event.  The sponsor can request that the timeline be waived if there are special circumstances that justify expedited consideration.  The 15-day requirement can be waived by the park’s Administration Committee at its sole discretion.

Approval of a park use application is not approval or endorsement of individuals or groups intending to use the park or the social or political cause that is advocated.  The park provides the opportunity to bring awareness of social justice concerns, but does not take a specific stand on political and social justice issues or causes no matter how compelling the circumstance.  The park is not available for partisan political events that support or oppose a specific candidate or political party.


This Park Use Policy and Guidelines are subject to change at any time.


Purpose:  The park is to be an oasis of hope where past achievements for social justice are recognized and current struggles are revealed.  The park is open to all who are willing to offer open minds, regardless of beliefs and views, to seek understanding of diverse interests and promote the common good.   It is to be a safe haven for those feeling oppressed as well as a starting point for all to build the path to a better future.  It is a place where the community intentionally can come and journey together through art, education, and constructive dialogue to explore ways to bring justice to situations that can’t be ignored if we aspire to be a healthy and caring community where diversity is celebrated.   Social justice occurs when a caring community comes together regardless of sacrifice or risk, to empower the oppressed, to seek equity for all, and to lift up human dignity.